Hello, I'm a

Front-end Developer

JavaScript • Performance • API's • React • Next.js/Gatsby.js

About Me


My name is David Beauchamp. I am a front-end website developer with over 10 years of experience.

I help brands & businesses design, develop, test, deploy, and monitor web-based applications. My specialties include building interactive user interfaces and working hand in hand with designers to bring mockups and concept designs to life. Over the years I have done this in frameworks like React, Angular, WordPress, Gatsby, and Shopify.

Take a look at my GitHub or Linkedin accounts to see code history and work history.

: Github

: Linkedin

My laptop workspace

What I do


Provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices.


Speed is a critical factor for optimizing conversion rates, user experience, and SEO. If you don’t have a fast website you will see a high bounce rate and low conversions.


I build with the future in mind. I want my clients to be able to edit the site content themeselves (WordPress,Shopify,etc) or work with dev team that will be able to understand and be happy with my code contributions.

Development Skills


HTML, CSS, SCSS, Javascript, JSX, Typescript, PHP, Liquid

Libraries and Frameworks

React, Gatsby, Next, Jekyll, WordPress, Shopify, Bootstrap, Material UI


Git, Grunt, Webpack, Babel, MAMP, Bower, NPM, Yarn, Node, Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch

Get in Touch

Send me a message and let's chat.

Custom React & Gatsby website

Particle Inc.

Domain: https://www.particle.io

Date: 2018 - now


This is the marketing website and customer facing website for the Particle company in San Francisco. Purpose of the site is to explain the products and services that the company offers.

My role in the project

I was brought on to help manage this website for the marketing team. I worked directly with the marketing team to add new features, build custom elements, and emplement new page designs.

Technology used in the project

React, Gatsby, Contentful CMS, Particle API, Greenhouse API

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WordPress Website

Chalk Marks

Domain: chalkmarks.co.uk

Date: April 2018


The mission was to rebuild this travel blog. The original site was built on WordPress but with a very outdated theme lacking in design and having lots of bugs.

My role in the project:

I worked with the client to find a new theme design that suited her style. I then helped her lay out her site stucture in a nicer user experience. This site was fully rebuilt in WordPress on a new theme.

Technology used in the project:

WordPress, Bootstrap, MySQL

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WordPress Website

Maker Media's Membership Program

Domain: make.co

Date: March 2018


Maker Media starting a brand new online membership program. They needed a site for showing off the 3 tiers of membership and all features. Also a way to sign up and purchase through the website.

My role in the project:

I worked with a backend developer and a designer to build this website from scratch. I was in charge of taking the static image designs and building a custom WordPress theme. The backend developer provided the means to purchase and manage subscriptions with the Member Mouse WordPress plugin.

Technology used in the project:

WordPress, Bootstrap, jQuery, SCSS, MAMP, Grunt, Member Mouse

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WordPress Multi Site

Global Maker Faire's

Domain: eastbay.makerfaire.com, prague.makerfaire.com, sandiego.makerfaire.com

Date: January 2018


The global Maker Faire program is a collection of 200+ event sites that utilize the WordPress multi site functionality and share a single custom theme. These Maker Faire events needed to have schedule, presenter, and other event related display information easy to use and set up for each non technical website admin.

My role in the project:

I was the solo front-end developer working on this project alongside a couple back-end devlopers. My role was to build a custom WordPress theme based on Photoshop designs. I build a custom page builder system into the WordPress dashboard using Advanced Custom Fields so that each site using the theme could build and move each module for every page. We also built a couple single page Angular apps for displaying and filtering dynamic schedule and presenter information.

Technology used in the project:

WordPress, Angular 1, Advanced Custom Fields, Bootstrap, jQuery, SCSS, MAMP, Grunt

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WordPress Website

Maker Media's Corporate Site

Domain: makermedia.com

Date: March 2018


Maker Media is the parent company of many other brands. This website is the corporate info site for the parent brand.

My role in the project:

I was the solo front-end developer tasked with building a custom WordPress theme based on Photoshop designs. I created the theme from scratch using Bootstrap and Advanced Custom Fields to build an advanced page building and customizing platform for dynamic customization from the WordPress dashboard.

Technology used in the project:

WordPress, Bootstrap, jQuery, SCSS, MAMP, Grunt, Advanced Custom Fields

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WordPress Website

Make: Magazine

Domain: makezine.com

Date: March 2018


Make: magazine is news articles and an online community for hobbyists of things like robotics, electronics, wood working, drones, 3D Printing, crafts, etc. This website is fairly high traffic at around 4 million sessions/month.

My role in the project:

I joined this project when it was in very bad need of refactoring and UX. I upgraded this site from Bootstrap 2 to 3 and spent years doing bug fixes and adding new features to the UI.

Technology used in the project:

WordPress, Bootstrap, jQuery, SCSS, MAMP, Grunt, Advanced Custom Fields

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WordPress Website

Maker Camp

Domain: makercamp.com

Date: Septempber 2017


Maker Camp is an online learning program for schools, libraries, and other after school programs. Makercamp.com provides a 1-2 month long curriculum each year for kids to work with STEM skills and get hands on with building projects.

My role in the project

I was the only developer for this project. I worked with the designer and the program creators to build an online learning program that kids can follow with adults to learn various different projects. I created a custom WordPress theme for this site based off Sketch designs. Each project is a custom page editor that the team can build themselves using a module page building system I created using Advanced Custom Fields.

Technology used in the project

WordPress, Bootstrap, jQuery, SCSS, MAMP, Grunt, Advanced Custom Fields

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